Mens Super League - Fixtures

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24-25 - Mens Superleage Fixtures

Men's Superleague Registration Form

Please remember that result sheet must be sent to Marcus Hawkins no later than the Wednesday after the fixture date otherwise a fine will be incurred.

Away Teams don't have to use a laptop or complete a result sheet but be aware that should a result be lost or late, BOTH teams will incur a fine as per rules.

The 3 week fixture window opens on (Monday 13th June) and will close (Sunday 3rd July) at Midnight. After this period, re-arranged fixtures will have a fine attached.

The 1 week mid season fixture window will open on (Monday 12th December) and will close (Sunday 18th December) at Midnight. After this period, re-arranged fixtures will have a fine attached.


Please keep on top of payments to Cheshire for Oche Fees, Player Registration Fees and any other fees. We do not want to chase teams all season.

Please keep registration forms up to date as these need to be submitted to the UKDA superleague client database and is a requirement by Cheshire to maintain this.


Hope everyone has a great season.
